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Friday, December 3, 2010

sharing story of me n life

as usual, every morning get up, take a bath, put on clothes to wear...but something very unusual today than's a kind of feeling like..(i bet u felt this before), couldn't explain, but i feel so damned lonely. Where the h**l r u hiding? been searching for sometime at anyplace that we've been sign of u.

I'm getting tired to look for the unsure things that u've created in my mind. U made me confuse all of this time. Leaving me without any trace that i can search. U let me down n confused my self.

How nice u are, honey?!

Hope the next life will treat u well...otherwise u will be so sorry for what u have done.
happiness is just an illusion. i think i know i have got to find some kind of peace of mind. can't always walking behind ur shadow. searching for new light..for better life of me.

Love is love.

what i can ask for more. i will find it somehow, somewhere with someone.