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Friday, January 14, 2011


I want a lover who can keep up with me sexually. My tastes are refined and my skills have been honed over years worth of practicing my craft. I do not want to waste my talents on someone who is not bringing to the table the same skill set I have. I'm not in my 20's anymore, no learning curves are being passed out. I believe it is true, one you reach your 30's you really start to hit your stride sexually. You have exhausted all patience with clumsy inexperienced men or women if that is your preference.

No more gropey fumbling with my clothes like some high school football player under the bleachers after a winning game. I want someone sensuous. A man who knows how to set the mood and build upon it. Knows that playing rap or rock music has its time and place. When I am in his bed, it is neither the time NOR the place to listen to anything remotely unsexy. I want him to play love songs, R&B, Maxwell, Prince.. Hell even John Mayer.. It can even be instrumentals. Just anything that is going to set the tone for the evenings festivities. Also, have good sheets. Nothing kills the mood faster than sheets so rough you feel as if you are being rubbed raw with newspapers and burlap bags. Candles. They provide just enough light to cast passionate shadows and heighten all of the senses other than sight. Also, I am not apposed to props or toys. They can be enhancers but one shouldn't rely on them solely.

Like I said.. He needs to know how to touch a woman. Know the difference of when to be rough and when to be gentle. When to be dominant and when to be submissive. So many one note lovers out there. Sex with them is like square dancing. The same thing over and over again in the same sequence. Any change throws them off and is deemed unacceptable. Touch is so important. I want him to understand that there are other parts of my body which need attention not just the obvious parts. Men tend to treat women like chicken parts. Breasts, legs, butts... What about your ears, the back of our necks, the back of our knees, inner thighs, small of our backs? Nothing is sexier than a kiss on the back of the wrist. Nipples are not the only erogenous zone.

There is such a hurry for men to penetrate us. Slow down. Take your time. Men are always worried about lasting, well take your time to get to the main event. Sex isn't all about the phallus. It really isn't. Many women don't even experience the most intense pleasure from penetration anyway. I want a lover who understands that the world doesn't revolve around his penis. I want him to know true intimacy comes from eye contact, kissing, touching...

I want a lover who understands how to talk in bed. Pillow talk. Once again diversity is the key. Sometimes porn talk is amazing and other times sweet romantic well placed phrases are needed. Men underestimate how they can turn a woman on through words alone. Sex for us in in our minds. Reach our mind and the body automatically reacts. Hence why the romance novel business is a raging success. I want a lover to appreciate my body, all of it.. Every inch. He shouldn't be so reluctant to let me know what he is thinking or what is on his mind. Tell me what he wants as I will freely give it to him as he should for me. Sexual connections are strong but many times no matter how clairvoyant we are, I still need feedback.

As for oral sex. My lover needs to rival lesbians. Literally. When they see him approaching they would give him the secret nod showing him respect for his skills. To me nothing is worse and more disappointing than bad or mediocre oral sex. I just hate it. I've been known to stop people in the middle of the act. I don't have any patience for bad oral. I know mine is.. otherworldly. I am always looking to pick up new tricks as should he.

My lover needs to know how to kiss and not just one method of kissing. He needs to know many different styles of kissing. Once again, I don't want an electric slide type of lover. Change things up. Keep me guessing as I will you. Breathe magic into my soul through the meeting of our lips. Know when to kiss with more intensity and when to leave gossamer kisses on my lips. Don't have limp hands while we kiss. Let them roam. NOT GROPE but roam. Caress. Stroke.

As for the act itself. My standards are pretty high. I am not in the mood anymore for a guy to climb on top and just jack hammer me into boredom. Nor a man who only knows two positions. Men that only know one speed or stroke are also not welcomed. There needs to be a signature style and once again.. Hands need to be in play. You don't get a penalty for using hands. Innovation is a must. Porn sex is a fallacy. A man can't get a woman off just through mindless penetration. It just isn't possible. You can always tell when a guy watches too much porn because that is his method and he won't deviate from it.

After we are done my lover should NOT roll over and go to sleep. I truly hate that. Nothing is sexier than to shower together or being washed with warm towels. Listening to someone snore is just not a turn on. Spooning up to a woman should be the reward all men seek. Bodies which now have mingled scents is like the height of pheromonic ecstasy. To run your hands over the vessel which brought you so much pleasure.. Nothing like it. I want my lover to kiss me all over. Place his thigh over mine. Twirl my hair on his fingers. I want him to take lecherous satisfaction in what he just did.

Yeah.. My expectations for a lover are very high but in return he is getting a very salacious lover in return. I am at the top of my game now. It is not like Martha Stewart sells pies at the local fair on the weekends for fun, or President Obama gives fee legal advice for kicks. I want the best of the best. My tastes in lovers is specific. I can't be with someone who is childish or shy about sex. I need him to bring the pain literally and I will be his rainmaker.

Friday, December 3, 2010

sharing story of me n life

as usual, every morning get up, take a bath, put on clothes to wear...but something very unusual today than's a kind of feeling like..(i bet u felt this before), couldn't explain, but i feel so damned lonely. Where the h**l r u hiding? been searching for sometime at anyplace that we've been sign of u.

I'm getting tired to look for the unsure things that u've created in my mind. U made me confuse all of this time. Leaving me without any trace that i can search. U let me down n confused my self.

How nice u are, honey?!

Hope the next life will treat u well...otherwise u will be so sorry for what u have done.
happiness is just an illusion. i think i know i have got to find some kind of peace of mind. can't always walking behind ur shadow. searching for new light..for better life of me.

Love is love.

what i can ask for more. i will find it somehow, somewhere with someone.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Lil Show Notes for Sunday, Sep. 26, 2010


Beverage Recipes; Liver De-tox Recipes; Canning Milk/Cream; Storing Cooked Pasta/Rice; Hamburger Rocks; Storing Honey; Protecting Your Skin; Aloe Vera; Apple Cider Vinegar.

Cloned Beverage Recipes:
Wendy’s Frosty
1 cup Milk
1/2 cup Nestle’s Quik or homemade hot cocoa
3 cups Softened Vanilla ice cream (place in refrigerator for 1 hour)
Blend Milk and Quik for 10 seconds on high speed. “Pulse” in the ice cream until barely mixed.

Orange Julius
6 ounces orange juice, from frozen concentrate, unprepared
1 cup milk
1 cup water
1/4 cup sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
8 ice cubes
Combine all ingredients, except ice cubes, in blender. Blend 1-2 minutes,
adding ice cubes one at a time, until smooth.

1 pack unsweetened Kool Aid (any flavor)-
2 quarts cold water
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 teas. salt
1/2 cup orange juice
Mix together. This equals the electrolyte replacement found
in many popular drinks on the market. Great for a hot summer!

V-8 Juice
8 carrots, cut into chunks
4 stalks celery, cut into chunks
6 tomatoes, cut into chunks
1 bunch fresh spinach
handful of parsley
1/2 a white onion
1 fresh, raw beet, cut into chunks
1 or 2 cloves fresh garlic
Run all ingredients through your juicer or blender/food processor. Stir, chill, stir and serve.

1 qt water
2 1/2 cups Sugar
3 tablespoons Instant coffee
1 tablespoon Vanilla
2 1/2 cups Vodka
Bring water, sugar and coffee to a boil in a saucepan.
Simmer VERY slowly for 3 hours. Mixture will be very dark
and syrupy. Cool. Add vanilla and vodka. Makes 7 cups.

Starbuck’s Frappuccino
1/2 cup fresh espresso
2 1/2 cups milk
1/4 cup granulated sugar
1 tablespoon dry pectin
Combine all ingredients in a covered container. Shake until
sugar and pectin are dissolved.

Liver Cleanse
Our liver works to keep our body free of toxins, but just like anything else it must also be cleansed from time to time to keep it working efficiently.
Here are 2 wonderful cleanse recipes that will help your liver to be cleansed of any left over residue, which will make you feel so much better and help to keep your entire body functioning better. Enjoy!

10 Day Continuous Liver Cleanse
1/2 cup of warm water
2 tbsp of pure lemon juice
1 tbsp of olive oil
1 tbsp of black-strap molasses
pinch of cayenne pepper
Mix all ingredients together in a blender and drink first thing in the morning for 10 consecutive days. This is a good breakfast drink and probably the best liver cleansing tonic that I have ever used.

Liver Cleanse #2
1 carrot
1/2 beetroot
1 stick celery
1 cucumber
1. Thoroughly wash all vegetables. 2. Peel and dice the carrots and beetroot. 3. Dice the celery and cucumber.
4. Pass all vegetables through a juicer. 5. Drink the juice within a half hour.
To Can Cream or Milk
Fill sterilized jars to within 1/2 inch of the top with cooled milk. (or cooled cream). Put lids on jars and tighten them down. Place jars in a canner, having water to cover the shoulder of the jar. Boil for 1 hour from the time the water starts to boil hard. Pressure cooker– Same method but process 10 min at 10 lbs pressure. Store in a cool dark place. This cream will whip.

Cooking rice can be a pain. It takes a long time to cook, and sometimes planning does not go well and the rest of your meal is waiting for the rice to finish. The next time that you are making dinner with rice or just have some spare time make up an extra batch or two. Scoop the cooked rice into small storage containers and freeze until firm. (allow about 3-4 hours) Remove the containers from the freezer and remove the rice. Place the frozen rice blocks into a large freezer bag and seal well. Note the date that the rice was made on the bag. Now just place the rice in the freezer until it is needed. The rice can be frozen for up to 6 months in this manner.
To defrost and use, simply pull out how many blocks of rice you will need to prepare, remove from the bags and place in a saucepan. Add approximately 2 tablespoons of water for every 1 cup of cooked rice that is in the pan. Place the saucepan over med-low heat and cover. Simmer until heated through, stirring occasionally to break up and frozen chunks.

The easiest way to store left over pasta is to freeze it. To do this just place the pasta back in the colander and rinse it off under cool tap water. This will remove any extra starch from the noodles and make them more manageable for the next step. Place the noodles into plastic containers, seal well and freeze until firm. (allow about 3-4 hours). Remove the containers from the freezer and remove the pasta from the containers. Place the frozen pasta blocks into large freezer bags and seal well. Note the date that the pasta was made on the bag. Now just place the pasta in the freezer until it is needed. The pasta can be frozen for up to 6 months in this manner.
To defrost the noodles, simply pull out how many blocks of pasta you will need. Place a large pot of water on the stove to boil. Once the water is boiling, add the blocks of pasta into the water and cook until reheated, usually around 2-4 minutes depending on quantity of noodles.

“Hamburger Rocks” are small chunks of cooked, dehydrated, fresh beef. They will store effectively for two or more years. Once rehydrated (by soaking one cup of rocks in two cups of boiled water), the pre-cooked meat can be used in any recipe. It is very difficult to distinguish from fresh hamburger in a meal! Regular ground hamburger turns into small “rocks,” some “gravel,” and a little “sand” when dried. We always shop around for good deals on rump roasts and pot roasts and when we purchase some, toss em into the freezer until we have plenty on hand to grind up ourselves and make a large batch of hamburger rocks. The yield from using rump and pot roasts is higher than that of using regular ground beef, because there isn’t as much fat to melt away. It’s typical for a 5 lb. Ground roast to dehydrate into about one quart of hamburger rocks.

1. Using a large skillet, brown and fry 5 pounds of ground beef. When thoroughly cooked, transfer the meat to a colander. Rinse under hot running water to remove the fat. Then clean the skillet with paper towels to remove excess fat from the first cooking.
2. Place the washed meat back into the wiped skillet and fry it again over medium/low heat, stirring often until you see no more steam. Keep the heat/flame low once the rocks are browning up nicely.
3. Place the “twice cooked” rocks into an oven roasting pan. Turn the oven to 200 degrees F, stirring and turning occasionally as the meat continues to dry. One to two hours should finish the job. Remove from the oven and check for dryness. When cool, pack into zip lock bags or mason jars. Pack tightly, expelling as much air as possible. Store in pantry drawers or shelves.
4. To “can” the hamburger rocks for long term storage, preheat canning jars in the oven at 250 F, simmer the lids as usual, put the “rocks” into the jars while still hot, then seal the jars. After 15 minutes or so the jars will cool and you will hear the jar lids “pop” as they seal in place.

Due to space limitations, privacy, etc, many cans of food will be stored under less-than-ideal conditions – the crawl space under a home, a damp basement, etc. These obscure locations also offer diversification, so that not all of your food is stored in one place, thus ensuring safety. To get maximum shelf life for your stored canned foods, wax all the cans prior to storage. You can also wax cardboard containers of food, such as rolled oats. Waxing cans and boxes is not very difficult. Wax melts at 150 F, but burns easily, so it should be melted in a stock pot or similar that is in a larger pot of water. Any wax, be it candle wax, paraffin, or beeswax, will work, but at least 30 pounds is needed to have the depth necessary to dip cans and replenish the wax used in coatings. Dip one half the can into the molten wax, swish the can back and forth a half-dozen times, then set it on the uncoated end on newspaper to dry. After coating a few dozen cans, the other end is coated with wax. The cans are then ready to be placed into a cardboard box for moving to the place of storage.

The reason for freezing dry mixes and cereals is because they almost always contain a few eggs from bugs such as weevils, wax moths, etc, that do no harm and are not even noticed when the products are consumed as intended, but…when stored for long periods of time, they can become fouled with larvae and moths. By sealing the box edges with paper tape (if needed), then coating with wax, the contents are protected from infestation via infiltration from other contaminated cereals or grains, and the contents are protected from moisture while freezing, while the freezing itself kills any larvae present. Coating boxes with wax and freezing is a bit of a boring job, but as many of the items we are now stockpiling are for long term storage and use under conditions when those products might not be commercially available, it is worth the effort.

One of the finest foods we can store for survival is pure, raw local honey. Honey stored under proper conditions will last for years, and can be used for cooking, canning, and general health maintenance. The honey normally sold in stores is NOT pure, raw honey. It is blended, heated, and generally not of origin in this country, let alone local. America is one of the few countries in the world where most honey is sold in liquid form. Note that honey is sold by weight (avoirdupois), and not by volume (pints, quarts, etc). To attain and maintain that liquid state for a long shelf life in retail stores, honey must be heated to 181 F for 24 hours, which destroys most of the inherent good qualities of honey. Indeed, the heating produces the chemical hydroxymethyfurfural (HMF), which in Europe is considered an unwanted adulterant, and heated American honey is therefore illegal to sell in Europe due to their pure food laws (Dr. Roger Morse, “Gleanings in Bee Culture,” March, 1985).
It has been said that “honey is honey, as long as it has FDA approval, so you might as well buy it from a discount store.” Nothing could be further from the truth. The Clinton Administration allowed the importation of Chinese “honey” as early as 1992, which sold for $0.25 per pound, wholesale. Studies in Canada found that Chinese “honey” was at least 40% corn syrup, contained carmel coloring, and Canada joined Europe in banning its importation. Charles Mraz reported (“Gleanings,” Dec. 1978) that unfiltered, unheated honey contains active glucose oxidase which supplies oxygen to the digestive tract. Such natural honey is reputed to prevent botulism poisoning, relieve constipation and prevent congestion in the intestinal tract…and that heating and pressure filtering will destroy and/or remove the valuable enzymes in the honey.
Studies since 1978 have shown that pure, raw local honey is excellent in the prevention and cure of various allergies, as it contains minute trace amounts of pollen and mold spores, and acts as a homeopathic medicine. One allergy clinic in Iowa (employing 22 physicians!) uses pure, raw local honey in its treatments, and arranges for their patients to obtain local honey, which they defined as being obtained from floral sources within 5 miles of the patient’s home.
As most honey in North America is obtained in June and July, now is the time to find a local beekeeper and arrange to purchase honey packaged to your specifications, if possible. Your local county extension service should be able to provide you with a contact telephone number for the county bee association. There you should be able to find a beekeeper who meets the qualifications, and who could extract, filter and package honey for you this summer. Most small scale beekeepers (less than 24 hives) remove the honey supers from the hives and extract it the same day at hive temperature (about 94 F), as the viscosity of honey at that temperature allows easy extraction through centrifugal force. Ideally, you would want them to then filter the honey through a fine grade nylon filter (paint filter) immediately, and pour it into two (2) gallon food grade buckets you provide. Expect to pay slightly more for such service than you would for Chinese honey, but the expense is certainly justified.
Raw honey as described in the paragraph above can be expected to granulate or crystallize rapidly, the actual rate depending upon the floral source – Mid season honeys are generally preferred for quality. Honey granulates quickest at 57 F, and slower at temperatures above or below 57 F. Proper storage, then, would be at temperatures as close to 57 F as possible, but cooler is preferred over hotter; basement storage is excellent.
Granulated honey is normal. By law, honey is sold by the pound, not by avoirdupois liquid measurements You can purchase 3 pounds of honey, but not a quart of honey. The reason for the weight measurement in poundage is very ancient. In England, heather honey will gel extremely fast – right in the comb – and could not be extracted by any methods then available. So honey was traditionally sold as a solid block of honey and wax, by the pound, and the weight measurement laws have remained intact for hundreds of years.
To liquefy the honey for normal use, the honey must be heated slowly in a double boiler to 145 F until clear, then cooled quickly to preserve quality by circulating cold water in the double-boiler. Just be sure to have a wire rack, a circle cut from expanded metal, or something similar, on the bottom of the stock pot or container used for the double boiler, so that water may circulate under the bottom of the honey bucket. And always loosen the lid of any honey being liquefied, as it gains considerably in volume as it is being heated – it will burst a container! If honey is stored in glass containers, the water in the double-boiler must be high enough to cover the top of the honey in the container!!! The honey must be able to expand upwards into the neck of the container, or the bottom of the container will be broken right off, ruining a lot of good honey. It is much easier to liquefy 20 pounds of honey in a two gallon plastic bucket than it is to liquefy 50 pounds of honey in a five gallon bucket not only because of the weight, but also because the water surrounding the honey container in the double-boiler (large stock pot) must be as high as the honey inside the bucket. Honey really expands as it liquefies, and the bottom of the bucket can be split if the honey at the top of the bucket is still granulated solid.
Protect Your Shield of Armor–Your Skin
Your skin is much more than an outer surface for the world to see – it’s the largest organ of your body!
Plus, it has a number of amazing responsibilities that you probably don’t think about on a daily basis:
Protects your internal organs from injury and infection.
Helps detoxify wastes through perspiration.
Provides an important line of immune defense against infections – your healthy skin creates a barrier to viruses and bacteria.
Protects you against extreme changes in temperature, through its thermoregulatory effect of controlling heat flow between you and your environment.
Produces and stores vitamin D, which is important to your immune system.
Rich in receptors, it allows you to sense conditions around you – like hard/soft and hot/cold – and send information to your brain so you can react to it for self-preservation.

Protects your body from sunburns.
Protects you from dehydration.

The loss of any of these functions will compromise your best health – and can accelerate signs of normal aging.
Put simply, your skin plays a major role in your health.
It functions as an organ that can absorb and excrete both nutrients and toxins through its pores. The condition of your skin is a powerful reflection of just how healthy you are on the inside. Because your skin has the ability to absorb whatever you put on it, careful choices are critical. You want to give your skin the same thoughtful care you give your internal organs. In a moment, I’ll tell you about some things that help support the health of your skin. But first, let’s take a quick look at some of the ingredients in today’s skin care products that can compromise the health of your skin (or even more of your body functions).
What if looks could really kill? We believe containers when they show a “danger” warning, or a “skull and crossbones” to warn of toxins in a product. And we respond by not applying them to our skin or eating them! Yet many skin care products use ingredients with unrecognizable and unpronounceable names. Personally, I rarely put anything consciously on my skin that I wouldn’t be willing to put in my mouth. It is well-proven that when you apply these chemicals to your skin, they enter your bloodstream and become integrated into your body tissues, In fact, it is probably safer to eat these ingredients than to rub them on your skin (although I strongly recommend you don’t do either!). However, if you do happen to eat these chemicals, your digestive system can produce specific enzymes to break down these toxins and excrete them… something that doesn’t readily occur when you absorb them through the skin. Potentially harmful ingredients continue to be used. Why? Because they are cheap, readily available, and easily diluted.
Does Your Skin Care Product Contain these Chemicals?
Why don’t you run and get a bottle of any of the skin moisturizers that you are currently using. You might find that your personal care products contain one or probably more of many possibly dangerous ingredients.
Here are a few of the most common suspicious ingredients:
Mineral Oil, Paraffin, and Petrolatum – Petroleum products that coat the skin like plastic, clogging pores and creating a build-up of toxins, which in turn accumulate and can lead to dermatologic issues. Slows cellular development, which can cause you to show earlier signs of aging. Suspected cause of cancer. Disruptive of hormonal activity. By the way, when there’s an oil spill in the ocean, don’t they rush to clean it up – fast? Why put that stuff on your skin?
Parabens - Widely used as preservatives in the cosmetic industry (including moisturizers). An estimated 13,200 cosmetic and skin care products contain parabens. Studies implicate their connection with cancer. They have hormone-disrupting qualities – mimicking estrogen – and interfere with the body’s endocrine system.
Phenol carbolic acid- Found in many lotions and skin creams. Can cause circulatory collapse, paralysis, convulsions, coma and even death from respiratory failure.
Propylene glycol – Used as a moisturizer in cosmetics and as a carrier in fragrance oils. Shown to cause dermatitis, kidney or liver abnormalities, and may inhibit skin cell growth or cause skin irritation.
Acrylamide- Found in many hand and face creams. Linked to mammary tumors in lab research.
Sodium laurel or lauryl sulfate (SLS), also known as sodium laureth sulfate (SLES)- Found in car washes, engine degreasers, garage floor cleaners… and in over 90% of personal care products! SLS breaks down the skin’s moisture barrier, easily penetrates the skin, and allows other chemicals to easily penetrate. Combined with other chemicals, SLS becomes a “nitrosamine”, a potent class of carcinogen. It can also cause hair loss. SLES is sometimes disguised with the labeling “comes from coconut” or “coconut-derived”.
Toluene - Poison! Danger! Harmful or fatal if swallowed! Harmful if inhaled or absorbed through the skin. Made from petroleum or coal tar, and found in most synthetic fragrances. Chronic exposure linked to anemia, lowered blood cell count, liver or kidney damage, and may affect a developing fetus. Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) contains toluene. Other names may include benzoic and benzyl.
Dioxane- Found in compounds known as PEG, Polysorbates, Laureth, ethoxylated alcohols. Common in a wide range of personal care products. The compounds are usually contaminated with high concentrations of highly volatile 1,4-dioxane, easily absorbed through the skin.Dioxane’s carcinogenicity was first reported in 1965 and later confirmed in studies including one from the National Cancer Institute in 1978. Nasal passages and liver are the most vulnerable. Dioxane is easily removed during the manufacturing process by “vacuum stripping”. Warning: It is a synthetic derivative of coconut. Watch for hidden language on labels, such as “comes from coconut”.
So, do you want to put these chemicals on your skin? Hopefully not. You’d be better served by switching to skin care products made of plant names you recognize, can pronounce, and could even eat (if you had to).
A few examples of healthy and healing alternatives to the chemically based lotions and moisturizers are :
Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera Plant

Flowering Aloe Vera Plant
Organic Aloe Vera Juice
Did you know that aloe vera juice is one of the most nutrition-packed and biologically-alive liquids on the entire planet? Hardly any natural plant can beat its many benefits to your body. Aloe contains more than seventy-five nutrients that act synergistically and create an awesome force for your health. Further, its average pH is a “balancing” 4.55. It is truly a wondrous ‘gold mine’ of phyto-nutrients. Aloe vera is a desert plant that’s been treasured for centuries for its ability to enhance health. You can do the same, and receive all these benefits:
Soothing– Aloe vera enhances fibroblast function. Fibroblasts are remarkable little cells responsible for collagen formation. They also assist in the soothing of minor burns, cuts, scrapes and skin irritations.
Immune support and function– Aloe vera provides natural support for the immune system. Since your skin is the first exterior line of defense and your immune system works around the clock protecting you, aloe vera’s natural immune enhancers give you an arsenal from which to draw.
Helps produce collagen and elastin– Your skin replenishes itself every 21 to 28 days. Aloe vera adds a rich supply of building materials to produce and maintain healthy skin to support a youthful appearance! A daily dose of aloe vera could be just what your skin is thirsting for.
Minerals– Minerals found in aloe vera include calcium, sodium, iron, potassium, chromium, magnesium, manganese, copper, and zinc. What a powerful storehouse! Since your skin absorbs anything you apply to it, using products with naturally occurring vitamins and minerals can contribute to your overall health.
Vitamins–Aloe vera includes vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C and E, folic acid and niacin. Your body simply cannot store some of these vitamins. Using aloe vera contributes to building your defense system against oxidative stress!
Amino acid body-building blocks– Amino acids are your body’s own building blocks. Eight are essential and cannot be produced by your body, but are found in the aloe plant. Aloe vera comes closer than any other known plant to the duplication of essential amino acids.
Growing Aloe at home:
Aloe Vera is a popular succulent plant that has many different uses. Some of these uses include burns, insect bites, and you can even eat it if you wish. But how do you grow an Aloe Vera plant?
Where to Grow
Aloe Vera plants can be grown indoors or outdoors; however, they do best when they are outdoors. These plants can be cultivated in pots or the ground itself.
Type of Soil
Aloe Vera plants require a fast draining soil. You can easily find this soil at your local nursery or some discount stores. To further aid the draining process, you can mix small rocks with the soil that you use. The rocks are not a requirement, but they might help in keeping your Aloe Vera plants healthier.
When you water your Aloe Vera plants, you need to keep a few things in mind. First, consider the temperature and location. If you’re growing your Aloe Vera plants outside in a cool climate, then you don’t need to water them very often, perhaps every two weeks or monthly. The same goes for growing your Aloe Vera plants indoors. However, if you’re growing them in a hot environment then you will need to water your Aloe Vera plants once or twice a week. Your Aloe Vera plants will let you know if you’re watering them too much or too little. In both cases, the leaves on your Aloe Vera plants will start to shrivel up and perhaps turn yellow or brown. Eventually, the leaves will just turn into a dry husk of their former selves.
It’s best if Aloe Vera plants receive indirect bright light. This basically means that you should place them near a window that receives a lot of light if they’re indoors. But be sure that the rays of the sun don’t come in direct contact with your Aloe Vera plant because this could burn the plant. In other words, keep them in the shade. When your Aloe Vera plants are outdoors, be sure they’re in the shade as well. Direct sunlight will not necessarily kill them, but it will cause them to turn brown. Plus, your Aloe Vera plants will dry out too quickly if they’re in direct sunlight; they may also become more susceptible to diseases as well.
First of all, Aloe Vera plants are very hardy. The only real disease that may cause your plants grief is root rot. Root rot basically happens when you water your Aloe Vera plants too much. So if you simply care for them properly, then root rot will not be a problem for you. Also, if you grow your Aloe Vera plants indoors, you may want to set them outside sometimes when it’s warmer. Since your indoor temperature is probably always around seventy to eighty degrees Farenheit, your Aloe Vera plants may not grow properly. They will not die necessarily, but the leaves may become elongated and sickly looking. By just setting your Aloe Vera plants outside for a few hours every couple of days; you may be able to counter this issue.
After an Aloe Vera plant reaches a certain age, it will start to produce smaller plants around its base. You can then carefully pluck the baby Aloe Vera plants out of the soil, and transplant them somewhere else if you like. You may want to temporarily give the baby Aloe Vera plants a little more water then you normally would give a larger plant. In a few weeks, your baby Aloe Vera plants should start to grow and mature. Aloe Vera plants will sometimes produce flowers if their setting is conducive enough. These flowers will produce seeds when they die off. You can then plant these seeds in the ground, and produce your own Aloe Vera plants that way. Just so you know, Aloe Vera plants will rarely produce flowers if they’re grown indoors. As long as you properly care for these plants, they should thrive in an indoor or outdoor environment.
When you need to use it medicinally, just remove a lower leaf from the plant, slice it open, and apply the gel on the affected area.
Organic Virgin Coconut Oil
Virgin coconut oil is an ideal way to rejuvenate your skin. It protects against formation of damaging free radicals, and is also used to protect skin from blemishes, signs of aging or overexposure to sunlight. Coconut oil also keeps the skin’s connective tissues strong and supple. Coconut oil offers a youthful appearance to your skin by removing the outer layer of dead skin cells, making the skin smoother. It can even penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin and strengthen the underlying tissues. It can be a factor in healing and repairing age-damaged skin – unlike most lotions. Naturally, you want to choose a high-quality organic coconut oil free of chemicals, and without bleach or hydrogenation (which can irritate your skin), to experience its maximum benefits.
Organic Jojoba Oil
Jojoba oil is one of nature’s most useful products. Jojoba oil technically isn’t oil, but is a pure and luxurious liquid wax ester from cold-pressed seeds of a few particular desert shrubs native to the Sonora Desert in the southwestern U.S. Native Americans applied ground seeds of jojoba to scratches to speed healing and minimize scarring. Jojoba oil is a long-chain wax ester, not a triglyceride – making it very similar to the sebum your skin produces (via the sebaceous oil gland). Sebum’s job is to retain moisture and keep skin smooth and elastic. Unfortunately, from about the age of twenty, your skin’s production of sebum decreases significantly. Remarkably, jojoba’s naturally silky, odorless, non-allergic liquid mixes completely and rapidly with your natural sebum and follows its pathways deep into your skin. The liquid wax esters in jojoba assist the sebum by maintaining skin moisture and elasticity. Jojoba oil forms a thin non-greasy lipid layer that holds water in your skin – contrary to common ‘oil in water’ formulations, which evaporate once they’re on your skin’s surface. Meanwhile, it penetrates and stabilizes your intercellular skin structure, leaving your skin soft and supple. On oily skin, it penetrates deep and fast to merge with skin sebum, tricking the skin to regulate the production of sebum. Since it penetrates so deeply, it helps protect, while allowing your skin’s natural maintenance and healing system to do its job – without having to battle dryness. Further, jojoba contains nutrients that get absorbed into the body, such as vitamin E, B-complex, and the minerals silicon, chromium, copper, and zinc. It also contains a lot of iodine. Its antioxidant properties prevent rancidity and give it a very long shelf life. For these reasons, jojoba oil is becoming recognized as the ‘cosmetic oil of the century’, and ‘nature’s wrinkle fighter’.
Fatty acids from coconut’s medium-chain saturated fat are called lauric acid – which is converted into highly beneficial monolaurin in your body (the only other truly abundant source of lauric acid is in human breast milk). Monolaurin is considered by many experts to provide antimicrobial properties that support your healthy immune system. Other studies suggest that monolaurin can stop messages sent between problem-posing cells, disrupting their ability to function.
Organic Shea Butter
Shea butter is an all-natural vitamin A cream from the tropics of Africa. It is a superior active moisturizer, also creating moisture similar to that produced by the sebaceous glands in the skin. For centuries, it has been highly regarded for its tonic effects on the skin. Unrefined and organic shea butter contains an abundance of health-promoting ingredients, including vitamins, minerals, proteins and a unique fatty acid profile. Unlike petroleum-based moisturizers, shea butter actually restores your skin’s own natural elasticity. It enables your skin to absorb moisture from the air, and therefore becomes softer and stays moisturized for longer. Shea butter is high in unsaponifiables (a type of fat), containing 7-12%. By comparison, avocado oil, a well-known skin conditioner, contains only 2-6%. This high level of unsaponifiables is a property that makes shea butter extremely valuable as a skin conditioner. Because of its many amazing properties, shea butter has been so highly regarded that its tree of origin acquired the name ‘karite tree’ – or ‘Tree of Life’.
Organic Mango Butter
Mango butter is extracted from the seed kernels of the lush and juicy tropical mango fruit, which is believed to have been cultivated for at least 4,000 years. It is a soft solid resembling cocoa butter in color and texture and has a slight, sweet scent. One of its most common uses is as a base ingredient for skin care products and soaps – effectively replacing paraffin-based (petroleum based) emollients. Mango butter’s high unsaponifiable contents provide emollient properties, high oxidative ability, and regenerative activity. It also lends protection against the sun’s UV rays. Mango butter has been shown to soften, sooth, moisturize and protect your skin, and to maintain flexibility and control age-related damage to skin cells. It is considered by many to be an ideal moisturizer for all skin types.
Natural Palm Oil
Palm oil is considered by some to be nature’s gift to the world. Consumed for more than 5,000 years, its nutritional value, health benefits and value as a natural resource continue to be discovered even today. Palm oil is nutrient-dense and contains many potent antioxidants, including beta-carotene, a precursor of vitamin A, and tocotrienols, an extremely potent form of vitamin E. Vitamin E is the major lipid soluble antioxidant in your skin. The potent antioxidant tocotrienols have even more beneficial actions on your skin – your first line of defense against free radicals generated by your environment. Minimally processed palm oil, contains other phyto-nutrients, including phytosterols, squalene, CoQ10, and mixed carotenoids, offering a host of natural and wholesome phyto-nutrients. Palm oil boasts the most significant amounts of tocotrienols available.
Apple Cider Vinegar
The benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar can be traced back through time. The ancient Egyptian, Hippocrates, treated his patients with Apple Cider Vinegar (or ACV). Julius Caesar’s army used ACV to stay healthy and fight off disease. The Greeks and Romans kept vinegar vessels for healing and flavoring, and Samurai warriors drank it for strength and power. Today the benefits of ACV are still being felt and used daily, the traditional dosage is 2-3 Tsp in 8 oz of water 3x a day. Add honey to taste.
Substances in apple cider vinegar:
ACV also contains important minerals, trace elements (Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorous, Chlorine, Sodium, Sulfur, Copper, Iron, Silicon, Fluorine) and vitamins (Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6, Pro-vitamin beta-carotene, Vitamin P) as well acetic acid, propionic acid, lactic acid, enzymes, amino acids as well as roughage in the form of potash and apple pectin.
Useful in:
Well functioning metabolism; Reducing cholesterol (the dangerous LDL cholesterol type); Regulating the water content in the cells and body; Reducing water retention in the body; Reducing excess sodium from the body; Helps with regulating blood pressure; Assists in preventing circulatory problems; Helps with diminishing premature calcification of the arteries; Helps increase concentration and memory; Assists in blood circulation, body temperature as well as vitality and energy.
Two teaspoons of ACV to eight-ounce glass of water also add 2 teaspoons of honey 3x a day. For external use, Soak the painful joint in a hot but comfortable solution of ACV for ten minutes, two to three times a day a quarter of a cup of ACV to one and a half cups of water. For painful knees or shoulder you can make a poultice by soaking a cloth in a mixture of ACV and water. A quarter of a cup of ACV to one and a half cups of water. Repeat as needed though out the day.
Although orthodox medicine might not agree with this remedy, some people have found relief from asthma by ingesting apple cider vinegar, as well as applying pads, soaked in apple cider vinegar, under pressure to the inside of the wrists. One tablespoonful of ACV added to a glass of water and sip for half and hour. The wheezing should lessen in intensity. If wheezing still persist a second glass of the same mixture can be taken. Deep breathing exercises are also a beneficial treatment.
Blood pressure
The potassium in apple cider vinegar is beneficial to both the heart and blood pressure, and in some quarters this remedy is said to assist in making the blood thinner, and thereby assisting with blood pressure and in the prevention of a stroke.
The manganese, magnesium, silicon (and calcium) found in apple cider vinegar has been linked in sustaining bone mass, which is important in the fight against osteoporosis. A supplement of apple cider vinegar could for this reason be valuable to consider should you suffer from a calcium shortage, have a problem with osteoporosis, or if you are entering your postmenopausal stage, where a risk of bone loss could cause a problem.
Although apple cider cannot cure cancer, it is a valuable ally to have around to help fight free radicals in the body, which have been shown to be indicative in the formation of various cancers. Beta-carotene, found in apple cider vinegar, is a powerful antioxidant, which helps in neutralizing the free radicals, formed in our bodies through oxidation. To prevent these free radicals, and to keep them in check, we need antioxidants in our system to rid our bodies of these potentially dangerous compounds. If free radicals are left alone to have the run of our bodies, they cause major damage by severely damaging cells, which leads to aging and degeneration. The pectin in apple cider vinegar adds fiber to the diet, and even the American Cancer Society promotes a high fiber diet to help with preventing cancer, especially colon cancer. The reason for this is that fiber binds with certain cancer causing (carcinogenic) compounds in the colon, and speeds up their elimination from the body. Speak about laetrile here.
A good warning system for heart disease is the presence of high blood cholesterol in the system. To help prevent this is to add 2 or 3 teaspoons to eight-ounces glass of water with every mean and to follow a lifestyle which includes eating a diet high in fruits and veggies, maintaining your ideal weight and getting enough exercise while avoiding processed foods, junk foods and hydrogenated oils. The amino acids contained in ACV can neutralize some of the harmful oxidized LDL cholesterol. Another way is to add fiber to your diet, especially water-soluble fiber – such as the pectin found in apple cider vinegar. Water-soluble fiber soaks up water, which adds bulk, and interacts with your body, and also keeps on working longer than non water-soluble fiber. Fiber also soaks up fats and cholesterol in the body and then is excreted instead of being reabsorbed. Non water-soluble fiber soaks up moisture in the body, but cannot interact with the body. The amino acids contained in apple cider vinegar have also shown promise in neutralizing some of the harmful oxidized LDL cholesterol.
It has been found that the pH factor (the acidity factor) of the body becomes a bit more alkaline prior to a cold or flu striking you down. When you take apple cider vinegar it helps to rebalance the acid level of your body. One teaspoon of ACV to ½ cup of water several times a day. Another remedy for colds and flu, and said to be specifically beneficial for chest complaints during the winter, is to soak a piece of brown paper with apple cider vinegar, and to place pepper on the one side of the paper. You then tie the paper, pepper side down, on to your chest and leave on for 25 – 30 minutes.
Two teaspoons of ACV and 1-2 teaspoons of honey mixed with a glassful of water should be taken before meals, or when the irritation occurs.
Try a daily 2 or 3 teaspoons of ACV to eight-ounces glass of water. Adding dietary fiber, as contained in AVC, is said to be beneficial in controlling blood glucose levels.
Not having proper bowel movements is blamed for many illnesses and diseases which befall us. The logic behind it stating that should the waste products from our bodily functions be retained in the body, for longer than what nature intends, it will cause toxins to be absorbed back into the system. As we age our bodies produce less and start to lag behind in the manufacture of digestive acids (hydrochloric acid), pepsin and digestive enzymes – which can cause constipation. When we add fiber to our diet, such as the pectin in apple cider vinegar, we assist our body by having regular bowel movements and proper elimination.
If you have never woken up in the middle of the night with cramps tearing through your calves, feet or legs, you would not understand the agony. A useful remedy to assist with this is to take apple cider vinegar. Try a regular tonic of ACV 2 or 3 teaspoons to eight-ounces of water along with 1-2 teaspoon of honey. The ACV helps your body’s absorption of calcium and magnesium this will help protect against painful leg cramps.
This disease is becoming more and more common, and it must be remembered that it is not only extremely serious, but needs proper medical supervision, and a strict adherence to dietary rules and medication, as prescribed by your medical practitioner. It is however interesting to note that added dietary fiber, such as contained in apple cider vinegar, is beneficial in controlling blood glucose levels.
There are various causes for diarrhea, and although it should not be left untreated, it sometimes is a way for the body to rid itself of harmful compounds and ingested materials. The pectin in apple cider vinegar is great to take when suffering from this problem, since this water-soluble fiber swells up, and forms bulk. It is also an effective ingredient to use against certain bacteria which causes diarrhea and the intestinal flora also transforms pectin into a protective coating which soothes the irritated lining of the colon. Next time you have a problem, consider this most humble treatment.
Although prescribing apple cider vinegar for depression would be classed as extremely alternative, some Eastern medicines do believe that depression is the symptom of a “stagnant” or tired liver. If you believe in this philosophy, then apple cider vinegar would help to fight depression, since it is a great medium to help detoxify and clean the liver.
Cataract development in the eye is associated to oxidation of the lens of the eye due to alterations caused by free radicals changing the structure of the lens. With this in mind apple cider vinegar can be of use with this problem, since the antioxidant properties of beta-carotene contained in apple cider vinegar, are great in combating free radicals.
Lactic acid is released in the body during exercise as well as periods of stress, and this can lead to fatigue, which in turn can be combated by the amino acids contained in apple cider vinegar. The enzymes, as well as the potassium contained in apple cider vinegar can also be of great help in the quest for more energy and vitality. Take the usual dosage of ACV and honey in a glassful of water 3x a day, with meals. The traditional dosage is 2-3 Tsp in 8 oz of water 3x a day. Add honey to taste
Food poisoning
Because of the great disinfectant qualities inherent in apple cider vinegar, some people when suffering from mild cases of food poisoning use it with success. If you suffer from violent symptoms, and suspect serious food poisoning please contact your medical practitioner immediately. There have been many cases where people who were taking ACV regularly did not suffer from food poisoning. ACV has an antiseptic quality that seems to combat food poisoning.
Gallstones and Kidney stones
A theory exist that the acids found in apple cider vinegar are beneficial in breaking up kidney stones and gallstones, by softening or dissolving them. Although we cannot guarantee any results, since there are so many other influencing factors, it might be worth your while to supplement your diet with apple cider vinegar, should you be suffering from gallstones or kidney stones.
The cause of headaches can be stress, allergies, tiredness, problems with your gallbladder, liver, kidneys, or a variety of other factors. Although apple cider vinegar cannot be touted as a headache treatment, is has been found that people have slightly more alkaline urine when suffering from a headache, and with this apple cider vinegar could be effective, since it will assist in bringing your body’s acid level back into sync. The inhalation of apple cider vinegar could also assist with a headache – take equal parts of ACV and water, place in a small pan on the stove, allow it to boil slowly. When the steam begins to rise: lean your head over it until the fumes are comfortably strong. Inhale for approximately 50 to 80 breaths. Generally this alleviates the headache considerably, if not entirely. Inhaling the vapors from a small bottle of ACV can also help or if you have a vaporizer, add some ACV to the water and inhale the vapors for five minutes. This is also helpful for those who are dealing with wheezing associated with asthma and other respiratory issues.
Since apple cider vinegar is used to promote the health of veins and capillaries, it is by implication also useful in assisting in the health of the heart and blood pressure. The potassium found in the apple cider vinegar is also beneficial to the heart.
When people start talking about indigestion they immediately start referring to the “excess” stomach acid that they have! In most cases it is NOT a case of an excess of stomach acid, but a shortage of it. Hydrochloric acid and pepsin, an enzyme working in an acid environment, are needed to break down the food effectively, and a shortage of these two ingredients will lead to a sluggish digestion of food and resultant indigestion. Taking apple cider vinegar may assist in effecting a remedy.
Taking the usual dosage of ACV and water before meals to help alleviate the unpleasant feeling of heartburn. (traditional dosage is 2-3 Tsp in 8 oz of water 3x a day. Add honey to taste).
Lactic acid in muscles is the cause of the muscles feeling sore and stiff, but by adding some apple cider vinegar to your diet, it could assist the body to get rid of it at a faster pace, since it will help to break down the acid crystals, making it much easier to be flushed out the body.
Nasal congestion
A constant draining of mucus from the sinus cavities can both be sore and uncomfortable. It is best to cut out, or eat as little as possible, of mucus forming food – which traditionally, in most cases would be dairy products. Many sufferers of nasal congestion have experienced relief by adding apple cider vinegar to their diet.
Sore throat
A gargle made from apple cider vinegar and water could prove to be a great relief for a sore throat – be that a bacterial or virus infection. The solution is a 50/50 mixture, and it is best to spit out the solution after gargling, which should be repeated every hour. After gargling rinse the mouth with clean water to prevent the acid from eroding the enamel on your teeth.
Stiff joints
A shortage of potassium in the body may cause stiff joints. Apple cider vinegar could help in relieving this problem when ingesting it, since it is a good source of the needed nutrient. Another remedy is to relax in a warm tub, with some apple cider vinegar added to the water.
Apple cider vinegar is showing great promise in helping to heal alcohol-induced ulcers, since it activates the body to start its own defensive mechanism. This, together with other indicators suggests that apple cider vinegar may in the near future be drawn into the fold of alternative ulcer preventing remedies.
The quest for achieving the ideal weight always will include effective and efficient metabolism. Without it, your dietary intake will not be metabolized correctly, the nutrients will not be available to the body, and will result in excess weight being added to the body frame. Apple cider vinegar has been used for centuries in aiding the liver to detoxify the body and to help with digesting rich, fatty and greasy foods, and for proper metabolizing of proteins, fats and minerals. If the food cannot be broken down into the absorbent form, the body cannot assimilate the required nutrients needed from the diet. An added extra to help with this is the malic acid and tartaric acid found in apple cider vinegar, since they help to bring the acid content into balance, while killing off unwanted and unfriendly bacteria in the digestive tract.
Weight loss
Apple cider vinegar has been used as a weight loss remedy for centuries, and although the mechanics are not always clear on how it works, it really does work. It has been suggested that the apple cider vinegar works because it makes the body burn calories better, that it reduces the appetite or simply that it gets the entire metabolism working at top efficiency. But whatever the reason, the fact remains that it has stood the test of time as a fat-busting supplement, and has helped countless people to achieve their ideal weight. Taking the usual dosage of ACV and water before meals, the traditional dosage is 2-3 Tsp in 8 oz of water 3x a day. Add honey to taste
Menstrual problems
A glass of ACV 2 or 3 teaspoons to eight-ounces of water in the morning has been reported to help reduce the flow and cramping of a heavy period.
Night sweats and Hot flashes
AVC has helped reduce night sweats and hot flashes for some menopausal and per-menopausal women. Use the regularly dosage of ACV.
Urinary Tract Infections
Try a dual combination of AVC and cranberry juice 2 teaspoons of ACV to an eight-ounce glass of cranberry juice. If you have a hard time with the taste of ACV you can try adding it to a glass of cold or warm organic apple juice. There are also the over the counter tablets, but the liquid ACV works faster.
Hay fever
Before the onset of the hay-fever season the ordinary dosage of ACV and honey should then be taken 2-3 teaspoons of ACV and 1-2 teaspoons of honey in a glass of water, three times a day. This dosage should be maintained during the entire hay-fever season.
Take the usual dosage of ACV and honey in a glassful of water 3x a day, with meals. An application of well-diluted ACV can also be applied to the skin several times daily 1 teaspoonful to half a cup of water. There is usually a potassium deficiency in those people suffering from eczema.
Two teaspoons of ACV together with 2 teaspoons of honey in a glass of water 3x a day should help with dizziness considerably. However, one should never expect instant results, but you will notice a lessened of intensity.
Apple cider vinegar baths
ACV baths can, alleviate itchiness, poison ivy, and sunburn discomfort. Use 2-4 cups ACV in a hot bath. It will also help combat “unfriendly” bacteria.

Friday, June 18, 2010

asal mula nama indonesia

Pada zaman purba, kepulauan tanah air disebut dengan aneka nama. Dalam catatan bangsa Tionghoa kawasan kepulauan tanah air dinamai Nan-hai (Kepulauan Laut Selatan). Berbagai catatan kuno bangsa Indoa menamai kepulauan ini Dwipantara (Kepulauan Tanah Seberang), nama yang diturunkan dari kata Sansekerta dwipa (pulau) dan antara (luar, seberang). Kisah Ramayana karya pujangga Walmiki menceritakan pencarian terhadap Sinta, istri Rama yang diculik Rahwana, sampai ke Suwarnadwipa (Pulau Emas, yaitu Sumatra sekarang) yang terletak di Kepulauan Dwipantara.
Bangsa Arab menyebut tanah air kita Jaza'ir al-Jawi (Kepulauan Jawa). Nama Latin untuk kemenyan adalah benzoe, berasal dari bahasa Arab luban jawi (kemenyan Jawa), sebab para pedagang Arab memperoleh kemenyan dari batang pohon Styrax sumatrana yang dahulu hanya tumbuh di Sumatera. Sampai hari ini jemaah haji kita masih sering dipanggil "Jawa" oleh orang Arab. Bahkan orang Indonesia luar Jawa sekalipun. Dalam bahasa Arab juga dikenal Samathrah (Sumatra), Sholibis (Sulawesi), Sundah (Sunda), semua pulau itu dikenal sebagai kulluh Jawi (semuanya Jawa).
Bangsa-bangsa Eropa yang pertama kali datang beranggapan bahwa Asia hanya terdiri dari Arab, Persia, India dan Tiongkok. Bagi mereka, daerah yang terbentang luas antara Persia dan Tiongkok semuanya adalah "Hindia". Semenanjung Asia Selatan mereka sebut "Hindia Muka" dan daratan Asia Tenggara dinamai "Hindia Belakang". Sedangkan tanah air memperoleh nama "Kepulauan Hindia" (Indische Archipel, Indian Archipelago, l'Archipel Indien) atau "Hindia Timur" (Oost Indie, East Indies, Indes Orientales). Nama lain yang juga dipakai adalah "Kepulauan Melayu" (Maleische Archipel, Malay Archipelago, l'Archipel Malais).
Pada jaman penjajahan Belanda, nama resmi yang digunakan adalah Nederlandsch-Indie (Hindia Belanda), sedangkan pemerintah pendudukan Jepang 1942-1945 memakai istilah To-Indo (Hindia Timur).
Eduard Douwes Dekker ( 1820 – 1887 ), yang dikenal dengan nama samaran Multatuli, pernah mengusulkan nama yang spesifik untuk menyebutkan kepulauan tanah air kita, yaitu Insulinde, yang artinya juga "Kepulauan Hindia" ( Bahasa Latin insula berarti pulau). Nama Insulinde ini kurang populer.

Pada tahun 1847 di Singapura terbit sebuah majalah ilmiah tahunan, Journal of the Indian Archipelago and Eastern Asia (JIAEA), yang dikelola oleh James Richardson Logan ( 1819 – 1869 ), seorang Skotlandia yang meraih sarjana hukum dari Universitas Edinburgh. Kemudian pada tahun 1849 seorang ahli etnologi bangsa Ingris, George Samuel Windsor Earl ( 1813 – 1865 ), menggabungkan diri sebagai redaksi majalah JIAEA.
Dalam JIAEA Volume IV tahun 1850, halaman 66-74, Earl menulis artikel On the Leading Characteristics of the Papuan, Australian and Malay-Polynesian Nations. Dalam artikelnya itu Earl menegaskan bahwa sudah tiba saatnya bagi penduduk Kepulauan Hindia atau Kepulauan Melayu untuk memiliki nama khas (a distinctive name), sebab nama Hindia tidaklah tepat dan sering rancu dengan penyebutan India yang lain. Earl mengajukan dua pilihan nama: Indunesia atau Malayunesia (nesos dalam bahasa Yunani berarti pulau). Pada halaman 71 artikelnya itu tertulis:

"... the inhabitants of the Indian Archipelago or Malayan Archipelago would become respectively Indunesians or Malayunesians".

Earl sendiri menyatakan memilih nama Malayunesia (Kepulauan Melayu) daripada Indunesia (Kepulauan Hindia), sebab Malayunesia sangat tepat untuk ras Melayu, sedangkan Indunesia bisa juga digunakan untuk Ceylon ( Srilanka ) dan Maladewa. Earl berpendapat juga bahwa nahasa Melayu dipakai di seluruh kepulauan ini. Dalam tulisannya itu Earl memang menggunakan istilah Malayunesia dan tidak memakai istilah Indunesia.
Dalam JIAEA Volume IV itu juga, halaman 252-347, James Richardson Logan menulis artikel The Ethnology of the Indian Archipelago. Pada awal tulisannya, Logan pun menyatakan perlunya nama khas bagi kepulauan tanah air kita, sebab istilah "Indian Archipelago" terlalu panjang dan membingungkan. Logan memungut nama Indunesia yang dibuang Earl, dan huruf u digantinya dengan huruf o agar ucapannya lebih baik. Maka lahirlah istilah Indonesia.
Untuk pertama kalinya kata Indonesia muncul di dunia dengan tercetak pada halaman 254 dalam tulisan Logan:
"Mr. Earl suggests the ethnographical term Indunesian, but rejects it in favour of Malayunesian. I prefer the purely geographical term Indonesia, which is merely a shorter synonym for the Indian Islands or the Indian Archipelago".
Ketika mengusulkan nama "Indonesia" agaknya Logan tidak menyadari bahwa di kemudian hari nama itu akan menjadi nama resmi. Sejak saat itu Logan secara konsisten menggunakan nama "Indonesia" dalam tulisan-tulisan ilmiahnya, dan lambat laun pemakaian istilah ini menyebar di kalangan para ilmuwan bidang etnologi dan geografi.
Pada tahun 1884 guru besar etnologi di Universitas Berlin yang bernama Adolf Bastian (1826 – 1905 ) menerbitkan buku Indonesien oder die Inseln des Malayischen Archipel sebanyak lima volume, yang memuat hasil penelitiannya ketika mengembara ke tanah air pada tahun 1864 sampai 1880. Buku Bastian inilah yang memopulerkan istilah "Indonesia" di kalangan sarjana Belanda, sehingga sempat timbul anggapan bahwa istilah "Indonesia" itu ciptaan Bastian. Pendapat yang tidak benar itu, antara lain tercantum dalam Encyclopedie van Nederlandsch-Indie tahun 1918. Padahal Bastian mengambil istilah "Indonesia" itu dari tulisan-tulisan Logan.
Pribumi yang mula-mula menggunakan istilah "Indonesia" adalah Suwardi Suryaningrat ( Ki Hajar Dewantara ). Ketika dibuang ke negeri Belanda tahun 1913 beliau mendirikan sebuah biro pers dengan nama Indonesische Pers-bureau.
Nama indonesisch (Indonesia) juga diperkenalkan sebagai pengganti indisch (Hindia) oleh Prof. Cornelis van Vollenhoven (1917). Sejalan dengan itu, inlander (pribumi) diganti dengan indonesiƫr (orang Indonesia).

Identitas Politik
Pada dasawarsa 1920-an, nama "Indonesia" yang merupakan istilah ilmiah dalam etnologi dan geografi itu diambil alih oleh tokoh-tokoh pergerakan kemerdekaan tanah air kita, sehingga nama "Indonesia" akhirnya memiliki makna politis, yaitu identitas suatu bangsa yang memperjuangkan kemerdekaan. Akibatnya pemerintah Belanda mulai curiga dan waspada terhadap pemakaian kata ciptaan Logan itu.
Pada tahun 1922 atas inisiatif Mohammad Hatta, seorang mahasiswa Handels Hoogeschool (Sekolah Tinggi Ekonomi) di Rotterdam, organisasi pelajar dan mahasiswa Hindia di Negeri Belanda (yang terbentuk tahun 1908 dengan nama Indische Vereeniging berubah nama menjadi Indonesische Vereeniging atau Perhimpoenan Indonesia. Majalah mereka, Hindia Poetra, berganti nama menjadi Indonesia Merdeka.
Bung Hatta menegaskan dalam tulisannya :

"Negara Indonesia Merdeka yang akan datang (de toekomstige vrije Indonesische staat) mustahil disebut "Hindia Belanda". Juga tidak "Hindia" saja, sebab dapat menimbulkan kekeliruan dengan India yang asli. Bagi kami nama Indonesia menyatakan suatu tujuan politik (een politiek doel), karena melambangkan dan mencita-citakan suatu tanah air di masa depan, dan untuk mewujudkannya tiap orang Indonesia (Indonesier) akan berusaha dengan segala tenaga dan kemampuannya."

Di tanah air Dr. Sutomo mendirikan Indonesische Studie Club pada tahun 1924). Pada tahun 1925, Jong Islamieten Bond membentuk kepanduan Nationaal Indonesische Padvinderij (Natipij). Itulah tiga organisasi di tanah air yang mula-mula menggunakan nama "Indonesia". Akhirnya nama "Indonesia" dinobatkan sebagai nama tanah air, bangsa dan bahasa pada Kerapatan Pemoeda-Pemoedi Indonesia tanggal 28 Oktober 1928, yang kini dikenal dengan sebutan Sumpah Pemuda.

Pada bulan Agustus 1939 tiga orang anggota Volksraad (Dewan Rakyat; parlemen Hindia Belanda), Muhammad Husni Thamrin, Wiwoho Purbohadidjojo dan Sutardjo Kartohadikusumo, mengajukan mosi kepada Pemerintah Hindia Belanda agar nama "Indonesia" diresmikan sebagai pengganti nama "Nederlandsch-Indie". Tetapi Belanda menolak mosi ini.
Dengan jatuhnya tanah air ke tangan Jepang pada tanggal 8 Maret 1942, lenyaplah nama "Hindia Belanda". Dan setelah itu lahirlah bangsa Indonesia

nah gan, jadi begitu asal mula nama indonesia
hidup indonesia!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Hotel Internasional Sibayak, Brastagi, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia - 14.45 wib

Ini blog baru, ga gampang buatnya kalo menurutku karena aku sedikit gaptek (kayakna ga dikit deh, bisa dibilang banyak). Namanya juga lagi usaha, belajar gitu. Mau buat apa disini ya? ada ide ga?
Pusing juga..
Udah dulu ah.
Hi, semua..
masih baru belajar buat blog ne.